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Multimodal Interaction with W3C Standards - Toward Natural User Interfaces to Everything
- Berha Helena Rodriguez, Jean-Claude Moissinac #1
#1 |
Laboratoire traitement et communication de l'information (LTCI)
- Télécm ParisTech
- Institut Mines-Télécom
- Université Paris-Saclay
- References
- Springer, 2017, chap. Discovery and Registration: Finding and Integrating Components into Dynamic Systems, pp. 325-349
- Abstract
One of the major gaps in the current HTML5 web platform is the lack of an interoperable means for a multimodal application to discover services and applications available in a given space and network, for example, in a smart house with a network of connected objects. To address this gap, the Multimodal Interaction Working Group has produced a draft specification based on distributed services, which aims to support the Discovery and Registration of multimodal components. In this approach, the components are described and virtualized in a Resources Manager communicating bidirectionally through dedicated events. To facilitate the fine-grained management of concurrent multimodal interactions, the Resources Manager registers the distributed components and provides to the Interaction Manager the means to control them. In this way, interoperable search, discovery, and selection of heterogeneous and dynamic features on the Web of Things can be performed by multimodal applications producing natural interaction and a semantically rich user experience.
- Keywords
- Multimodal, Interface, Web, Semantic
- Category
- Part of a book (chapters, sections, a few pages...)
- Research Area(s)
- Computer Science/Human-Computer Interaction
Computer Science/Ubiquitous Computing Computer Science/Multimedia Computer Science/Emerging Technologies Computer Science/Web
- Identifier(s)
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-42816-1_15
Bibliographic key BHR:BK-17
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- Last update
- on november 28, 2016 by Jean-Claude Moissinac