F. Chaabane, S. Rejichi, Ch. Kefi, I. Haythem and F. Tupin, VHR satellite image time series analysis for illegal building monitoring using multi-dimensional histogram earth mover's distance, IGARSS , Yokohama, Japan, August 2019.
R. Abergel, L. Denis, F. Tupin, S. Ladjal, Ch.-A. Deledalle and A. Almansa, resolution preserving speckle reduction of SAR images: the benefits of speckle decorrelation and target extraction, IGARSS, Yokohama, Japan, July 2019.
Ch.-A. Deledalle, L. Denis, L. Ferro-Famil, J.-M. Nicolas and F. Tupin, Multi-temporal speckle reduction of polarimetric SAR images: a ratio based approach , IGARSS, Yokohama, Japan, July 2019.
G. Ferraioli, L. Denis, Ch.-A. Deledalle and F. Tupin, The exploitation of the non-local paradigm for SAR 3D reconstruction, IGARSS, Yokohama, Japan , July 2019.
F. Tupin, L. Denis, Ch.-A. Deledalle and G. Ferraioli, Ten years of patch-based approaches for SAR imaging: a review, IGARSS, Yokohama, Japan, July 2019.
L. Denis, Ch.-A. Deledalle and F. Tupin, From patches to deep learning: combining self-similarity and neural networks for SAR image despeckling, IGARSS, Yokohama, Japan, July 2019.
F. Chaabane, S. RĂ©jichi, Ch. Kefi, I. Haytem and F. Tupin, Anarchic Urban Expansion Detection and Monitoring with Integration of Expert Knowledge, ICASPP, May 2019.
X. Yang, L. Denis, F. Tupin and W. Yang, SAR image despeckling using pre-trained convolutional neural network models, JURSE, Vannes, France , May 2019.
C. Rambour, L. Denis and F. Tupin, Urban surface recovery through graph-cuts over SAR tomographic reconstruction, JURSE, Vannes, France , May 2019.